ModuleCo Pharma was approached to develop a regenerative medicine production facility. Starting with a blank piece of paper, we worked in close collaboration with the client team to develop the 3,072m2 facility.
The facility contains 6No. Grade B Production Suites with integrated H2O2Material Airlocks; Grade C and Grade D laboratory spaces are also supplied within the modular footprint. A fully integrated and qualified LN2System was supplied along with a fully qualified CO2 system for use in the manufacturing process. ModuleCo Pharma provided all client furniture and fixed equipment, such as Laminar Airflow Cabinets and BioSaftey Cabinets, with the client integrating CO2 incubators and desk-top equipment.
We were responsible for all major facility elements, from architectural design through to the M&E design and qualification of the graded laboratory/cleanroom spaces.The facility is considered “first of its kind” due to the regenerative medicine production and QC testing carried out within the same building. The entire process from cell storage to packaging and manufacturing is undertaken in the facility.