In partnership with our healthcare facility hire partners, MCH, ModuleCo provided a state-of-the-art modular operating theatre suite and first stage recovery facility at Sulis Hospital on behalf of the Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust.
Sulis Hospital, previously known as Circle Bath, is an award-winning private hospital and the first private hospital in the UK where 100% of the shares are owned by an NHS Trust. The acquisition by the RUHB NHS Foundation Trust in June 2021 expanded services and increased capacity for local NHS and private practice patients.
The surgical facility provides the hospital with a 64m2 operating room and integral 3-person scrub, 2-bed first stage recovery ward, an anaesthetic room, a lay up prep room, dirty utility, sluice, waste hold, storage area and lobby space.
Additional theatre capacity was required to assist with the elective care backlog and reduce the waiting lists in Bath and the surrounding areas.
The operating theatre facility was provided on an initial 12-month contract and procured through the NHS Shared Business Services modular buildings framework, one of three NHS approved modular healthcare facility frameworks that ModuleCo is an approved supplier on. Find out more about our procurement options.